You don't have to follow every January trend

Squiggle Squiggle Squiggle
Paint brush mark Person heart

"Build ting pockets of joy or feel-good emotions into your day"

Remember that you don't have to dive into every lifestyle trend

Focus on the small things instead of the big goals

The small, daily things we do have ore of an impact on how we feel than achieving big goals. Think about the small things you can either add (or take away!) from your day. Goals such as reading two pages of a book a day, or a 10 minute walk a day are easier to achieve and more likely to stick. 

Avoid 'new year, new me'

Don't list all the things about yourself you are unhappy with - that's going to make anyone feel bad. Set positive aims that you actually want to do and that make you feel good. If you want to exercise, focus on the achievement it brings when you do it, or the positive way it makes you feel afterwards, rather than the end goals of losing weight. 

Plan in fun and things you enjoy

For a lot of people, January can feel like a really bleak month. Building tiny pockets of joy or feel-good emotions into our day is beneficial for our wellbeing and we can build happiness in these tiny daily actions. It might just be getting outside in the light, or it might be connecting with a friend.

Step back from social media

Social media gives us an audience of millions of people to compare ourselves with. Notice if you are making these comparisons and remember you are comparing your full picture to other people's highlights. If you find social media is making you feel bad, switch off, set limits and put your phone away. 

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