Mental health tips !

Squiggle Squiggle Squiggle
Paint brush mark Person heart

"Remember you are not alone and it’s okay to be feeling this way"

In this blog young Londoner Phoenix (20), shares simple ways to help improve emotional wellbeing and mental health.

Tuning in with yourself

Ask yourself how you are feeling and be genuine with yourself. Have you been feeling more tired than usual? Have you been spending time with your friends? Or have you been stressed a lot lately? Writing down your feelings and tuning in with yourself can help because when you know what the problem is you can work on ways to solve them.

Doing things that make you happy

When life gets too overwhelming it is easy to fall into a slump. Doing things that make you happy, whether that be visiting a cafe or reading a book, can help ease your mind and lift some of that pressure. I personally like to put on a comfort show or listen to music whilst I draw.

Carving out time to do something that you enjoy like reading or drawing can help improve mental health, Phoenix is a keen drawer and says this helps lift their mood.

Look at what you are consuming

The world of social media can be a great place for gaining ideas and having content at your fingertips. However there is no doubt about it that social media can be a toxic place. Block tags that can be triggering for you, unfollow people that aren’t helping your frame of mind. Even take a social media break from time to time. Doing these things can really help when it comes to mental health.

Surrounding yourself with people you love

Spending time with friends, family and even furry friends can help. Take a walk around your town, try a new food spot you’ve been looking at or spend a day at home with board games.

Phoenix suggests spending time with those who make us happy, whether that’s people or animals like her own cat.

Talk about it

This is a classic one that people say all of the time but it really helps. Talk to someone that you trust and that you can be honest with. If you want to just get your feelings out in the open, this gives you a space to do that. If you want to go further, telling them what you need so you can get the best support when your mental health is low.

Remember you are not alone and it’s okay to be feeling this way, 1 in 6 people report feeling symptoms of mental health and the more people talk about it the more normalised it becomes.

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